As you probably have noticed twitter (or twttr) has turned 7, and boy a lot have happened since 2006.
Twitter in 2006
Seven years ago I had just turned 20. Back then I came from a failed online store for Mac games, going through military service, and I was going to start working as a humble mail carrier! I was saving up money to turn my old childhood dream into reality; my dream of living abroad.
Also I wanted to try out different kind of professions so I could find out what I actually enjoy. I was trying to find myself. A funny note is that I never have had a full-time job in a company for much more than 4 months, because I quit when I felt I couldn't learn more!
Fast forward, I sit here, living abroad, founded companies in 3 countries, running several startups, groups and communities, while being financial independent and full of joy! Who could have thought that twitter would change the way we network with just 140 character messages? I certainly didn't have any idea of that at 20, just as I didn't had any idea of who I had to become!
I just knew that I had to do something. I had to sacrifice the belief of who I was, to learn who I needed to become.
Remember to always challenge your perceptions. Experiment, feel, and enjoy the rush. Happy anniversary Twitter!
Note: In the spirit of #twitter7 I recommend you look up these guys. They all share interesting thoughts, and hopefully some that will challenge your beliefs! @richardbranson, @jasonfried, @joelgascoigne